Friday, August 29, 2014

Northwest Game Photos from August 25

Thanks to Connie H for sending these photos of the JV and Varsity games Monday, August 25, against Grand Island Northwest.  We lost both games.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

JV/Varsity Lady Bison Win over Polk County August 26

The JV easily handled the Polk County JV with a 5-0 win.  Maddie M was the winning pitcher.  The varsity found it a little harder to claim the victory and the score was tied 4-4 several innings until the bottom of the 9th inning when Abbie H hit in the winning runs to make the score 6-4 in favor of the Bison.  Abbie was the winning pitcher and had 15 strikeouts in the 9 innings.  Everyone played better in both games, learning how to eliminate some of the errors and how to play together as a team.

The unofficial mascot for the girls is Watson, my grandparents' puppy.  Even Mr. Anderson says we have to have him at all the home games because he is our lucky charm.  Emily certainly likes him!

The National Anthem with the flag raised on our new flagpole in the center area behind the home plates of the three ballfields.
In the background is the partially-finished new concession stand.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Season Opener Triangular at Aurora August 22, 2014

We got a feel for what we need to accomplish this season in the first three games at Aurora. With eight new players on the team, it was up to the coaches to decide the players for the positions.  As always in a tournament-setting, not everyone may get to play, but everyone will have a chance when we play varsity and JV games, and we play a lot of them!

Sorry there are no photos of the first game, but here are some shots taken during Games 2 and 3, including Abbie H's over-the-fence home run!